Thursday 16 April 2015

Why did God and the Devil fight over Moses' body?

Because Moses was worshiping Sin. And who was responsible for Sin; but the Serpent himself... This is why the Devil wanted Moses. But the righteous live by faith and Moses proved himself faithful.

God led Moses through Spiritual understanding, but the Devil distorted Gods message so that the message was misunderstood. Moses worshiped this being of light which was not God (2Corinthians 11:14). Moses was asked to build things for this God who could have "by His mighty power" created it in an instant (Acts 17:24), and it is demanded that they sacrifice animals for their sins regularly but sacrifice and offerings you did not desire (Psalm 40:6, Hebrews 10:8), but they were required by the Old Covenant, that which is referred to as the Covenant of Death that Jesus comes to put an end to.

If you study carefully you will find that there are times during Moses lifetime that the messages he receives often come in two's. You will notice that two different messages are given to Moses and while they may appear similar, a closer look will show you how contradictory they are to each other.

Contradictions are not presented in the Bible to test ones faith in God. Faith is absolutely necessary to lead a Spiritual life, but not blind faith that lacks conscience. The contradictions are there for those who want the truth. God's message is in the Bible, but you just have to look for it...

More later...

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